
הרה"ג הר"ר דוד צוקער שליט"א
הרה"ג הר"ר פנחס שלום אייכענשטיין שליט"א

הרה"ג הר"ר ראובן שלום פיינשטיין שליט"א
הרה"ג הר"ר ירוחם אלשין שליט"א

הרה"ג הר"ר משה הלל הירש שליט"א
הרה"ג הר"ר שמואל קמינצקי שליט"א

Learning in a Kollel in Ottawa, Rabbi Yisroel Meir Butrimovitz formulated a weekly shiur focused on הלכה למעשה from the sources in the gemarah. There was a strong interest for this mehalech from learners of all backgrounds and learning styles. Participants enjoyed learning with a deeper understanding of each halacha and seeing firsthand how piskei halacha today came to be.
Hilchasa collaborated with Machon Tiferes at BP Print Group to make these halacha sugyos available to the public in beautiful volumes and sets. With uber-clear printing, strong binding, and exquisite leather covers, Hilchasa is designed to withstand frequent use and serve as an enduring learning accompaniment.
Rabbi Butrimovitz moved to Chicago. He was approached to run a chaburah in Khal Ohr Yissocher Zidichoiv Chodrov, following this same mehalech of learning. As time passed, more and more kollelim started using this material to guide their chaburos, and Hilchasa grew exponentially.
Learning in a Kollel in Ottawa, Rabbi Yisroel Meir Butrimovitz formulated a weekly shiur focused on הלכה למעשה from the sources in the gemarah. There was a strong interest for this mehalech from learners of all backgrounds and learning styles. Participants enjoyed learning with a deeper understanding of each halacha and seeing firsthand how piskei halacha today came to be.
Rabbi Butrimovitz moved to Chicago. He was approached to run a chaburah in Khal Ohr Yissocher Zidichoiv Chodrov, following this same mehalech of learning. As time passed, more and more kollelim started using this material to guide their chaburos, and Hilchasa grew exponentially.
Hilchasa collaborated with Machon Tiferes at BP Print Group to make these halacha sugyos available to the public in beautiful volumes and sets. With uber-clear printing, strong binding, and exquisite leather covers, Hilchasa is designed to withstand frequent use and serve as an enduring learning accompaniment.

A strong backing. A strong future.

Many esteemed Gedolei Torah have been involved and lent their haskama to promoting this project to success.

Harav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Slabodka and Chaver Moetzes Gedolei Yisroel, has advised on this project from it's inception and continues to propel it forward.

Harav Dovid Zucker, Shlita, Rosh Kollel Zichron Shneur of Chicago, has been providing advice and encouragement while Hilchasa develops into the beautiful מערכת it has become.

Harav Pinchos Eichenstein, Shlita, Rav and Admor of Khal Ohr Yissocher Zidichoiv Chodrov and Nasi of Chicago Center of Torah and Chesed, appointed Rabbi Butrimovitz as Rosh Chaburas Kollel Boker in his shul and encouraged the project from concept to printing and distribution.